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- N9MUF 2025-02-11
- IV3/IU2NKC 2025-02-11
- HI8RAC 2025-02-11
- KQ4PSZ 2025-02-11
Commercial Ham Radio Links
Commercial Ham Radio Websites
Note: QRZ reserves the right to add or remove links from this page at any time. The inclusion of a link on this page does not constitute an endorsement by QRZ. To request that a new link be added, please contact us using the QRZ Support Center.
- 1x1
- 2-Way Radio Online (UK)
- 2 Way Radio Directory
- A & A Engineering (kits)
- ABR Industries, LLC
- Ackert Supplies Computers and Communications
- ACOM International, Inc.
- Alfa Radio, Ltd.
- All About Electronic Circuits for Kids
- Alltronics
- Alpha Antenna
- Alpha Delta Communications
- Alpha Power Amplifiers
- Aluma Tower Company
- AM Radio Antennas
- Amateur Radio Supplies
- American Radio Supply
- Amidon Inductive Cores
- Andrews Communications
- Antenna Store - Military, Commercial, Consumer
- Artifax Books
- Associated Radio, Overland Park KS
- AVVid: Authorized Kenwood and Icom Service
- Balun Designs LLC
- Barker & Williamson Antennas
- Black Cat Systems
- Blue Star Antennas
- Bencher / Butternut Products
- Bozak Antenna
- Brentwood Communications (UK)
- BridgeCom Systems
- Buddipole Modular Dipoles
- Byers Chassis Kits
- C3I USA Telecommunications
- CAL-AV Labs, Inc.
- Cable X-Perts, Inc.
- Callsign Software - Rig Controls
- Canadian Basic & Advanced Ham Study Courses
- Capital Engraving (badges, plaques, etc.)
- Carl's Electronics
- CB+ Radio-Communication (French)
- CBC International, Radio Conversions
- Cellcom Ireland, Ltd.
- Celwave Antennas
- Chameleon Antennas
- Champion Radio Products
- Charlie's Electronics
- Cheap QSL's
- Circuit Specialists
- Classic International
- Cliff's Custom Cutouts - Oak Callsigns
- Club Gear Online
- Cobalt Pet - SWL Reports
- Code Quick (Morse Code Training)
- Communication LG
- Corner Press QSLs
- Palomar Engineers
- Philip Collins and Associates
- - QSL Cards by IT9EJW
- Com-West Radio Systems Ham Links
- CommCat Logging Software
- Communications Electronics Inc., Emergency Operations Center
- Communications Service Co
- CQ Log - RA3DCT Logging Software
- Creative Services Software
- Critical Towers
- Crystal Radio Systems Ltd.
- The Crystal Set Society
- Cubex Quad Antennas
- Custom Metalworks
- Custom QSL Cards
- Cycle-24 Antenna Products Company
- B&B Cyber Software
- Peter W. Dahl Co.
- The Daily DX
- dBj Radio & Electronics, LLC
- DCS 2 Way Radio (UK)
- DDB Unlimited
- Down East Microwave
- DPD Productions - Antennas
- DWM Communications
- DX Beam Antennas
- DX4WIN Logging Program
- DXbase Amateur Radio Logging Software
- DXtra, Inc., WorldStation(tm) rig control software
- Davis Rope and Cable Assembly, LLC
- Davis RF Co.
- DMR radios by TTCI
- E & S Communications
- Earpiece Online
- EG Antennas (France)
- EasyLog Radio Logging Software (Italy)
- EasyTerm
- EleCraft
- Electronics USA
- Elk Antennas by W6FYA
- ELNA America (Capacitors)
- EmCommInfo
- ET Industries
- Excel Wireless
- EZ Hang Antennas
- First Source Wireless
- Force 12 Antennas
- Fractal Antenna Systems, Inc.
- Frontier Engineering
- Gap Antennas
- GB Antennes & Towers (NL)
- GeoTool Mobile Antenna Mounts
- Gerber Labs
- Gigaparts
- Giovannini E. Antenna Systems
- Glen Martin Engineering, Inc.
- Global Beam Display
- Grapevine Amateur Radio
- Hal Communications Corp.
- HamInfoBar Toolbar
- Ham Manuals
- Ham Radio Deluxe
- Ham Radio Manuals
- Ham Radio Outlet Stores
- Heights Tower Systems
- HEIL Sound
- HENRY Amplifiers for less from RADIODAN.COM
- HexKit Baseplate Kits & Components
- HamShirts.COM
- Hip Ham Radio Shirts
- Hotpress T-Shirts for Hams
- Hy Power Antenna Company
- Hi-Q-Antennas
- Houston Radio Scanning Information
- Hy-Gain/Telex Antennas
- The Icom America Web Site
- iCluster Software for iPhone
- Icom PCR1000 Software
- IIX Equipment LTD, Antennas
- Impulse Electronics
- Indium Solder and Circuit Board Assembly
- InnovAntennas
- In Stock Wireless
- International Antenna Corp.
- Spectral (ISOPOLE Antennas)
- JJ&A Instruments (QRP Transceivers)
- JWM Engineering Group, Inc.
- K7SU Keys
- Kanga QRP Kits
- Kanga Products UK
- Kantronics
- KB9VBR J-Pole Antennas
- KBC Import/Export Netherlands
- Kenwood Amateur Radios
- KK7TV Communications, (factory authorized radio repair shop)
- KK4TR Antenna Mfg & Sales
- Komunica Power Accessories
- LDG Electronics, Inc.
- Light Beam Antenna
- Lightning Prevention Systems, Inc.
- LOGvrr: LogBook CallBook & PacketCluster
- M2 Antenna Systems, Inc.
- Martin Lynch and Sons (UK)
- Martin RF Supply
- Maggiore Electronic Lab
- Mastil Boom (Spain)
- Martronics
- MAHA Communications, Inc.
- Mars Radio Network
- Glen Martin Engineering, Inc.
- Maxcon Antennas
- Max-Gain Systems (Antennas, etc.)
- Mission Critical Communications Review
- MediaGlobe Electronics (Italy)
- MFJ Enterprises, Inc.
- MHZ Elettronica (Italy)
- Mission Critical Communications Review
- James Millen Manufacturing (Antennas)
- MicroLog by WA0H
- Mitchell Electronics (transformers)
- The MPE Calculator
- Mr. Ham Radio
- Muir Communications Ltd - Victoria B.C. Can.
- My Antennas
- Myers Engineering International, Inc.
- N0HR PocketPC Software
- Nevada Communications (UK)
- NI4L Antennas and Electronics
- Nil-Jon Antennas
- Norms Fabrication (Tower parts)
- Norms Rotor Service
- North Olmsted Amateur Radio Depot - NOARD Inc.
- OELSCHLAGER Elektronik e.K.
- OLYMPIX (RFI Filters)
- Online Cables - custom cables
- Open Repeater Project
- Optoelectronics, Inc.
- Palstar Inc
- Passion Radio
- PCB Milling (printed circuit boards)
- P.C. Electronics, Manufacturers of ATV gear
- Peppers Radio Communication (Canada)
- Personal Database Applications (LOGic S/W)
- Personalized Map Company (online maps)
- Photo QSL's
- POLAR Electric (Morse Code Decoding Software)
- PolyPhaser Corporation
- Power Systems Solutions / American Tower
- - Power Connectors and MORE
- PROLOG Logging Software
- ProPrints - printing for Hams
- Public Electronics Circuit Archive
- PK's Loop Antennas
- A QLF kit from KI5YN
- QRO Technologies
- QTHnet Inc.
- QSL Cards by Rusprint and Shack Accessories
- QSL Cards by QSLShop
- - Free web-based QSL card distribution
- QSL Cards by W4MPY
- QSL Card Printing by VE9QSL
- QTH.COM Free Ham Radio Classified Ads
- Radio Earpiece
- RadioLabs
- Radiohaus Radiocomunica??o - Brasil
- Radio Master List
- Radios2U (UK)
- RadioTelephone Tutor
- Radiotronics (UK)
- Radio Research Inc
- Radio Solutions (UK)
- Radio Trader (UK)
- RadioWare
- Radio World - Boulder City, NV
- Radio World Communications (UK)
- Ramsey Electronics
- RF Parts Company
- RL Drake
- SAT-Service Schneider
- ScanWare Associates
- Science Workshop (spectrum analyzers)
- Scorpion
- SCS, Developers of PACTOR
- SFL Mobile Radio (UK)
- SGC Inc., HF Radios, Antennas, Tuners, etc.
- SM7TOG QSL Cards
- SHACKLOG - Quality Logging/IOTA Software
- Signal One - HF Radio Manufacture
- BAZ Spezialantennen
- Space Communications and Electronics
- Stockcorner Ham Radio Supplies
- Stonewall Cable
- SuperAntennas
- 5 Band HF CobWebb Antenna
- Super-Duper by EI5DI (Ireland)
- Surf-Electronics (Australia)
- Svetlana Electron Devices (Power Tubes)
- Swisslog Logging Software
- SP7GXP Antennas
- TAC-1 Systems
- Taborsoft Communications Analysis Prediction Wizard
- Team Spezial Antennen BAZ
- Technisoft - Printing and Promotional
- TelePath Corporation
- Texas BugCatcher Antennas
- Teqmar Antenna Products
- THIECOM Scanners, Shortwave and more!
- TimeWave Technology, Inc.
- Transel Technologies
- TRX-Manager Control SW for all radios
- Two Way Radios UK
- Unadilla Antennas
- Universal Radio
- US Tower Corporation
- Ham Services
- Variety Buzz
- The Vibroplex Co., Inc.
- Videolynx Micro Video Transmitter
- Vero Telecom
- Vitamin DX
- W1TP Telegraph Museums and Collector's Guide
- W5TXR Electronic Labs
- W7FG Vintage Manuals
- WD7S Productions (HF Amp Controls)
- WaveNode SWR/RF/DC Metering
- West Coast Mall
- Weekend Ham Radio Class
- Westgate Laboratories, Inc. (parts)
- Whiterook Products Company
- Willco Electronics
- WiMo Antenna Ltd.
- XMatch Antenna Tuners
- XMLog - Windows Logging Program (Works with QRZ!)
- Waveband Communications
- WinRadio Communications
- WinSource
- The Wireman, Inc.
- Workman Electronic Products
- Worldradio Magazine
- WK5R Circuit Boards
- WiMo Antennen und Elektronik GmbH
- - RC Controls
- The Wyzcom Web Site (N.Ireland)
- Yaesu U.S.A.
- ZX-YAGI, Ron Eberson Electronics